Friday, August 26, 2011


When you made your commitment to your spouse on your wedding day, did you mean what you said?  Did you take them seriously or did you say them knowing that God would forgive you if you took your words back?

There was a time a few years ago when I didn't care what I had said on my wedding day and I felt no obligation to keep my vows scared.  I was hurt and angry and I felt justified.  Felt like God would even honor the fact that I stayed as long as I had and that God himself had thrown in the towel for my marriage.

I was wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong to ever think that God had thrown in the towel.  I was wrong wrong wrong to let emotions rule my decisions and actions.  Emotions come and go.  They are up and down.  You can't measure life by feelings.  If you do, you will surely go in a direction that you never thought you would go.

Christians, we read the Bible, go to church, memorize scripture more for the times in life when things don't make sense, than for the times when life does make sense.  "I hide God's Word in my heart that I might not sin against thee."  It's easy to do things God's way when life is good.  But when you feel like God has forgotten you and doesn't care about your pain, most of us decide that we know what's best and we go find happiness on our own. 

Christians, stand up and get a clue!  "God is the same yesterday, today, and forever."  What he says is true.  Do not believe what anyone else tells you about your situation.  Believe and listen ONLY to God our creature.  God will never direct you to sin.  GOD WILL NEVER DIRECT YOU TO SIN!  So, work through your problem with the Word of God as your guide because if you are feeling pain, there is a good reason for it.  Pain will either shine a light into the areas of your life that you still haven't given to Him, be the result of your own sin so you have a lesson to learn, or the result of someone elses sin and since we all sin, we need to carry each other's burdens because someday you'll need someone else to do the same for you. 

Take your vows seriously.  There is a reason why God brought together "this man and this woman".  If you are too hurt to understand why, then hold tight to God.  If you can't trust your spouse, then trust God.  Because God said "what God has brought together, let know man separate."  Hold on with all your might and "Lean not unto your own understanding."  God knows why he selected you and your spouse to be together.  Did you ever think that maybe the reason might be more for the painful times than for the good times?  Idk.  Think about it.   

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